Matthew Pitt

The Art of Smart: Hiring for a More Complex Economy

Ask a recruiter what keeps them awake at night and there’s a good chance you’ll get the usual rollcall of ‘burning issues’: diversity, technology,...

Who Cares Wins

Fifty years ago, Danone CEO Antione Riboud announced in his famous ‘Marseilles speech’ that “corporate responsibility does not end at the factory gate”. At...

Do You Want The Truth or Something Statistical?

Why diversity stats are less important than you think. A couple of weeks ago, we delivered areport for a major consumer goodsthe company which wanted...

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” How one of the world’s leading D&I specialists is helping organizations unleash the power of people…

In the latest of a series of occasional dialogues with senior business leaders, we speak to ELENI KITRA, Founder & CEO of Dubai-based consultancy...

Candidate Experience: What Companies Get Wrong!

At the end of every successful search is a happy candidate. What tends to be forgotten is that there are usually a few unhappy...


Achieving Gender Parity in the Workplace: Turning the Vision into Reality

Creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace begins with...

Implementing Meaningful Workplace Transformation Through Gender Equality

Introduction: Despite significant progress in discussions on gender equality, deeply...

Key Benefits of AI-Powered Applicant Tracking Systems

Leveraging technology has become a necessity rather than a...


A quarterly digest of facts, figures and opinion from...

How to Create a Job Description That Attracts Applicants

Writing a job description may appear simple, but it...